Sunday, December 11, 2011

Little Dragon - Seconds

Man on man, I've been bad lately. But I've been really good in other, professional aspects. I'm not sure if anyone even really cares on this side of the pond anymore. I find myself constricted on where to focus my attention a lot of the time. And still, I find myself singing those great lyrics: "But honestly, and be honest with yourself, how much time do you waste? How much time do you blow every day?" It's pretty honest stuff really.

I'm here writing about my end of year lists for various outfits and I'm thinking about the blog in the back of my head. December has been a mostly good month I would say and it certainly hasn't dragged on - it's moved like a fast, steady roller coaster actually. Anyways, I'm writing about how I love that M83 album, the Burst Apart is the best, Feist's voice (reminders reminders) and actually making a list and compiling a major one for a print magazine and I got this song, "Seconds," in my head.

I'm spinning all kinds of music and listening to all kinds of stuff, while writing about an assortment of different albums and I got this song in my head. Her voice is spectacular for starters, the steady beat is sweet and as an album closer, it's remarkable. I've got to say that this is an awesome band that I really enjoy, this album is firmly in my top 20 of 2011 with a feel every now and then to sneak in the top 10. it's so good. Here's to this song being engraved in my musical memory for a bit before I jam out to Undun again - amazingly special album, too, btw.

Anyways, the lyrics too. They are very sweet. This album kills. I hope to write more. - Bryan

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