Sunday, December 5, 2010

Gilles Peterson: The Brownswood Bubblers Series and Havana Cultura

The one driving force that inspired me to assemble a rickety ol' dj setup that I've been fooling around with for the past 5 years was Mr. Giles Peterson. Described as a globe trotting purveyor of all sounds soulful and inspired, Gilles Peterson is one of the most eclectically minded DJs I've ever heard. Based out of London, this Brit knows good music from all over the world, spanning every genre and era. Undoubtedly his love for record collecting and the immense collection he has amassed over the years is a major reason Peterson is one of my favorite DJs. What he may lack in technical ability on the 1's and 2's, he totally makes up for in song selection. He has the ability to drop an up tempo jazzy track obscure to all, like this one he remixed by Italian singer Raphael Gualazzi.....
and right when you think you figured out his musical palette, he flips this one on you....
A flat out, head bopping, spacefunk masterpiece from hip hop electro production duo Javelin.
Both these tracks can be found on his most recent release on the Brownswood Buubblers Series, (named after his record label) which is are all wonderful collections of up and coming soulful talent from all over the globe. This is off Volume Six

But the thing is, Gilles doesn't stop there, he can't because he's on a mission to open your ears to new and exciting sounds from all over the world. He recently produced an album of various artists displaying the emerging sounds in Cuba. Entitled "Havana Cultura". Gilles assembled an array of amazing Cuban musicians to record beautiful, new material. A stand out track has to be a cover of J Dillas classic hip hop track"Think Twice by Danay and Obsesion.
Lets hope Gilles doesn't stop traveling anytime soon, so keep the good music coming brother. -Nick

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