Sunday, March 21, 2010

Frontera Bugalú

I’ve got to give it up to Nick guys, he’s shown me so much good local music that I am seriously in debt to him in that department. If I ever come across a local band that is amazing, I will show it to him and everyone else for that matter but I’m pretty sure he’d probably say, truthfully, “I’ve heard of them” and then properly call me a hater for being negative for so long. There is too much, GOOD, local music to seek and pursue, if you haven’t gotten into the local scene in your town, please rectify that – it will be well worth your time.

The DA is a local band, an indie band with great musicians, on the opposite side of the spectrum is another local band that delves in Latin roots with cumbias, salsa and even some jazz, Frontera Bugalú. Their music is contagiously memorable and has the ability of making your entire body move to its grooves and beats. All of the members are outstanding musicians with the lone female member being a lovely thing to view on stage, let alone to hear her sing or play whatever instrument she has recently mastered. They’re all genuine people who are all about making soulfully good music (soul as in it comes from the deepest cavern inside of you) and representing and making their roots, their traditions proud.

They play tonight at the County Coliseum but the big show is next Saturday, March 27 at Bombardier’s with Radio La Chusma – a can’t-miss event. Here is a video I found of them performing “La Murga” at El Paso’s Mercado Mayapan from last year. It’s a little older than I’d like but it captures their ability at making very good, extended, musical music that is filled with heart and soul. – Bryan

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