Sunday, September 4, 2011

Twin Shadow - Forget

I’m notoriously bad at updating this blog now. This is Twin Shadow (George Lewis Jr.,) you’ve probably heard about him already. He’s playing in El Paso on Sept. 18 at the now-infamous, or is it, Lowbrow Palace. The night before he plays at ACL. I missed him at Coachella this past year but whether I do Austin or Chuco that weekend, Twin Shadow will definitely be one of my destinations. I was listening to his album from last year, Forget, and was remembering how downright awesome it is. Married to an 80s influence that supports instead of hurts, it’s like a dreamy blend of pop that never stops with hooks that kill. And I mean, that name, Forget, what a bad-ass name for an album.

This is “At My Heels” where Lewis is both optimistically fragile and still wondering, “why a ghost is following me.” The music transitions from melancholy touches into a soaring chorus that finds Lewis sounding both like Morrissey at his most boisterous and downtrodden. Songs like this chug right along with Lewis’ masterful command of beats in knowing how to keep the hips shaking. Such great music all around.

And so this is “Forget” where the music is reflective and somber in light of the subject matter. The snare is heard throughout and the background atmospheres give off an Oriental vibe that does the music well but the overall swoon of the song is what makes it effective. The recurring melody is the constant in the song and again, the word, Forget, is powerful here. Lewis is singing about the sadness in meeting someone knowing they will give us something to forget. It’s a depressing reality but sincere in its theme, Lewis sings: “You wrestled your nightmares, the sweat from your bedsheets…this is all of it, this is everything I'm wanting to forget.” It’s tough when all you wanna do is forget someone but gosh, it’s beautiful when you finally do. – Bryan

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