Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I used to have a theory of how people found other people... of how lovers met. I used to think we're walking puzzle pieces, just wandering around, experiencing life, waiting, or not waiting, for the right person to come and complete us...to "fit" perfectly with us, like we're one piece of the puzzle and them the other. I used to think like that.

But it wasn't all right.

There were people out there who didn't make it all right. I have this one friend; he's a sex god, a bonified pussy pleaser, not to mention he's got a smile and charm that could melt any girl's heart; and he's got substance. He's every girl's missing puzzle piece, or that's how it seems, at least. And it's people like him that throw me off.

So I had to revise my theory. Maybe we're all walking puzzle pieces, but some of us are universal pieces. Maybe some of us walk around with grooves and pegs that are constantly changing, and any piece we encounter could be the one we "fit" into. Maybe that's how it is... but it doesn't really matter.

And that's the point, because really perception is everything. A piece of shit to one girl is a superman to another, and maybe they're both right in the eye's of superman; but what doesn't matter is what the other thinks. You could envision your fitting piece, and you could find your piece, but if you're piece doesn't see what you see, then there is no finished puzzle. Walking this entire Earth a million times over and encountering your soul-mate mate each time won't make them yours.

Even if the pieces do somehow align, there will always be something lodged between them. Insecurities, past relationships, trivial issues, fetishes...always something.

But there's one thing to remember, no matter what the outcome of the story...never lose hope. It's the one thing we have against the odds, because the odds are against you. Just look into a mirror and try to see what everyone else sees. You'll see your reflection, if you're lucky. But with a little hope you'll smile at the possibility that someone might see you for more than you think you're worth. And with a little hope, you'll see yourself standing there smiling...knowing you're not gonna throw it all away.

If you don't smile, remember... you're not alone.

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