Saturday, February 5, 2011

Broadcast - Tears in the Typing Pool

I have much more to say about Broadcast but here’s “Tears in the Typing Pool” because I think it’s pretty amazing. There’s such a sadness to the way Trish Keenan’s voice sounds on this song and I can’t think of any other Broadcast song that sounds like this one. I read a review that mentioned how Tender Buttons was far more stripped-down than before and “Tears in the Typing Pool” is a fitting example of that transition. I can’t get over how gorgeous her voice is and how she sings, ‘roo-oo-oom,’ and especially this line:

“The letters are sighing, the ink is still drying
I told you the truth and now I sigh too.”

I read somewhere what Keenan saidthis song means but it’s open-ended on so many levels. I have my own interpretation but I just wanted to post it because it sounds so good, so late at night; its emptiness is almost that much more mesmerizing. – Bryan

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