Friday, May 25, 2012

Part Dos of Neon Desert 2012

The neon desert festival is upon us for sure. Last week we stressed and yelled and screamed and then enjoyed beautiful Saturday victories. This Saturday we take a look at what El Paso has to offer on the festival circuit. We’ve talked about the schedule and about the bands playing and about details, details, details; but nonetheless, it’s a festival in our hometown. Naturally, I hope I speak for everyone when I recognize that, they should make every effort to continue to grow and improve. There is potential in spades here and well fortunately, this year they do feature a solid amount of acts to enjoy.

With terrific A-Trak added the latest, half the schedule released in a ‘phase’ method, the anticipation grew and dissipated by the time it was all settled – and somewhere in between the dreams of At The Drive In being added. Why they couldn’t…well enough of the second-guessing because at this point you’re either spending $20 on sun block and a six pack to drink before the festivities (actually no, scratch the beer maybe[not]) or honestly, missing out on the second year fest. Probably the former.

With Le Butcherettes we get a Mexican band (no love for the team but yes, go Chivas sox) that plays stunningly terrific rock music. Their affinity for strong, strident sounds is impressive and they’re fresh of playing at Coachella. Something tells me they will kill it in complete agreement here; why they gotta pair them at the exact same time as Class Actress sucks majorly. The latter is a dance-pop style of music that really hones in on sweet pop sensibilities. And yes Butcherettes are like Yeah Yeah Yeahs meets hard synths. They’re opposites you say? Maybe they’re just as good.

Yacht doesn’t have to worry about much of that; after showing all their love for Marfa they finally get to play El Paso. I haven’t been to the former in about five years so I would love to see how much it’s changed and if it hasn’t, I’m really stunned why bands prefer there than here. Is it really that feel-good, or that hip? After solidifying as a duo Yacht found new highs and their last two albums are strong. It just makes sense, too, it’s summer almost, it’s a song. Here’s the big hit.
Summer Song (sorry low on time, gotta go, will add other missing videos tonight!) [EDIT:here]

We also get a major treat with La Vida Bohème and their brand of alternative rock. The Venezuelan band hits strong with their mixture of instruments against the backdrop of their chugging guitars and rhythms. Their name first sounded familiar after the feature of their song “Buen Salvaje” on my fifa game, here is that song. And they will look to really kill it tomorrow.

And finally, we also get some really great Spanish rock in the form of Babasónicos, an Argentine band with tremendous melodies.  If you know me you know I dig Cafe Tacuba like no other and while the comparison is ridiculously unfair (for who? For both/either) the sónicos carry a soft touch that is equal parts of drifting rock and ornate pop. They sound like a tremendous mix of soulful rock/pop that shimmers lightly. Enough lame adjectives, here’s "Pijamas" and well, see you all tomorrow.

Go Blues (love you Drogba) Go…forever. – Bryan--edit 137a

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