So at this point, the music purists and snobs start to think and wonder what’s so different about The Flaming Lips. They’ve been used in movies and TV before and they’ve got a pretty stellar following. I still feel guilty and ashamed for not seeing them at ACL last year – although that was to get a close spot for The National so not I’m necessarily regretful – but they’re not the most traditional band either. Midway through the album you get to “The Observer” and its wavy atmospherics; behind a propulsive beat the song blends strings, choral vocals and soaring dynamics to an outstanding peak. So while this is definitely a beautiful piece of music, it’s definitely not the most standard of sounds either.
It’s probably my favorite album by them – by a lot. It’s cohesive and its concept story about being lost in a new territory and waiting for your superman to come is entirely ambiguous and open to various interpretations. Even as epic as their music may seem, the personal ties that you can draw on your own are monstrous. With “Feeling Yourself Disintegrate” the song itself could have tons of meanings behind the absolutely gorgeous music. There’s only four lines and tons of repeating of the title, the guitar swirls behind all of the noise and the culmination of everything – the pieces of structure and all the instruments – is something out of this world. Personally, it’s about getting dumped and apprehending that ‘life without death is just impossible’ and so in life, relationships die. It’s inevitable but still, realizing that something or someone you dearly love is ending/dying is a dreadful sentiment to come to grips with. I hear this now and I think: how could someone not LOVE this? And well, there’s the snob in me again. – Bryan
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