So I was more recently listening to Illinois and it’s here that I developed my love for Sufjan’s magical compositions. “The Black Hawk War, Or, How to Demolish an Entire Civilization and ...” was simply jaw-dropping the first time I heard it and it remains, one of my all-time favorite instrumental works. It’s the kind of choice I would make if I ever got to make a video, win some kind of award, play it for someone special, etc… It’s amazing because to me, it’s a glorious fanfare that reigns in the charging piano and mallets of “Come on! Feel the Illinoise!: Pt. 1: The World's Columbian Exposition” and yet, that long-ass title is definitely meaning much much more than ‘fanfare.’
Illinois is an album devoted to the said state and it’s filled with lifting stories all over; it has continually won over more fans because of his purely impeccable songwriting. Again, it was stuff like “To the Workers of the Rock River Valley Region, I Have an Idea ...” that won my heart over, originally. The trumpet and how sad it sounds, almost yearning; the way the piano dangles over everything else, like a guiding light; the crashing percussion and how it’s calling but not reaching. I love whistling a lot and it’s got a personal bias too I’m sure, but it’s absolutely gorgeous, too. And still, these are two tiny sample of juice from an album of 22 massive pieces of life. – Bryan
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