And I especially love her ability at positioning those most tender, most brutal and also, most difficult moments in love where everything just hurts. Her debut and masterpiece, The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill was all bout the teaching of love and the genuine feeling behind it. And speaking of skits, this album features some of the best way to use them: Hill had children sit in her living room and recorded Ras Baraka speak to them as a teacher would, except only about LOVE. On “When It Hurts So Bad,” she goes from a smooth Jamaican vibe, to a sweet Brazilian jazz samba, back to a rock-steady song that is front-paced with harp and guitar before going back to her laid-back groove. And her words, she sings, “But how could this be love, that made me feel so bad. Gave her my power, 'I existed for you,' but whoever knew the voodoo you do.” Ouch, that hurts and yet, for some us, we know exactly what she is talking about. Still though, I’d be lamented if I didn’t bring up her preaching on “Doo Wop (That Thing)”. She’s not just advising the females but in equal fashion, advising the males on what they should be doing too. Because of course, in this tango that requires so many twists, turns and bends, it’s nice to get any kind of guidance.
And this song, that I’m currently in love with, is listed as “Sweetest Thing [Mahogany Mix][*]” on the actual CD but is famously known as “Tell Him” everywhere else, is such a hard hitter. It’s about being at that moment in your life where you’re ready to just give your entire heart, along with everything else, to that one person and admitting that “I love him [her], that everything’s gonna be all right.” As if all that could and ever matter in life would be someone else’s love; that kind of true love where it hurts when you’re not around that person. And it’s such a compelling song because that feeling has to be one of the utmost best feelings any one person can ever experience and it’s just pretty awesome, when you can say, “I know I’m imperfect and not without sin but now that I’m older, all childish things end.” Such an amazing voice and an amazing musician, whatever happened? – Bryan
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