This passed thursday I was able to check out THE DA for the second time in less then a week over at Cincinnati Bar, and they did not disappoint. With the release of their latest 4 song EP entitled “Thank God for Aluminum” and their SXSW showcase coming up very soon it seems that their set was tighter then ever. One thing I loved the most were the subtle transitions between songs. Party didn’t stop for a breather. There were times that infectious dance floor rhythms seamlessly blended into another sublime beat.
For those who are just getting turned onto this band its safe to say their music is flat out fun. Spanning too many genres to even try and name, these guys make good ol’ fashion danceable rock music. To me the biggest thing that should stand out in their sound to first time listeners of THE DA is the texture added by their trumpet player. After hooking into a number of effects, the sounds that come from the trumpet are eerie and beautiful all at once. Add some mean synthesizer , disco friendly guitar rhythms and pumping beats and you got some shit you can move your ass to!!! If you don’t believe me check out this clip from THE DA playing at the SUNSET HEGHTS BLOCK PARTY, one of Chuco’s flat out hippest and coolest events. (be there or be square for the 3rd installment summer 2010 coming soon)
These are my 2 favorite tracks off their new EP
and be sure to check them out before they blow up at SXSW.They’ll be at The Garage March 13 and Black Market March 14.
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